(centipede- aka demon creature from the lowest depths of the infernal abyss. A friend of mine woke up to this little darling crawling on her face. You don't wanna get bit by one of these guys, if you do: curtains.)
that's more or less how i'd sum up this quarter so far: enjoying the presence of God and the mirth of eachother. A woman in one of the churches we go to just lost her home due to the declining economy and had to move everything to a house she owned out in Hana. The house hasn't been used in quite a while and needed MAJOR cleaning so we volunteered. Two weekends in Hana, who'd pass that up?
We spent all day Friday cleaning this house, killing bugs and renovating it's enormous lawn. It reminded me of a home my family and i tore down in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. That evening the guys slept out in tents on the lawn and got up early the next morning to enjoy Hana in all it's glory. We saw a few waterfalls, swam through an underground cave and took in the sights.
Life on the base has been peaceful and sweet, giving me more time to just be with the Lord each morning and evening.
Revival Maui has had a few Rumbles as well as a Life Siege and a Purity Siege since I last wrote and is blooming into a pretty amazing ministry. We keep having more and more people, of all generations, showing up each month just to worship God and pray on behalf of Maui.
As i said earlier, this season is one of both rest and preparation, and as i said in an earlier blog, i have some exciting news. I have been asked to staff the Summer DTS. In just a little over a month, the DTS Coordinators along with myself and my co-leader Chelsea will be pouring ourselves directly into a team of students. For three months we will disciple and equip them to bring them to do the same both at home and abroad. At the end of this 3 month lecture phase, Chelsea and I will lead them off to the depths of Southeast Asia and they'll spend the next three months imparting all that they've learned. And let me tell you, I'm so excited for this opportunity! It's why i'm here. I don't have all the details just yet, like how many students or where our outreach will be but when i do, you'll be sure to know. Until then, i covet your prayers for the task ahead of me, Chelsea, the summer school and this team of students.

(My Co-leader Chelsea)
(oh and be sure to check out the new YWAM Maui Website at http://ywammaui.com as well as the Revival Maui site at http://revivalmaui.com)